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Neuroscience lecture with students


Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience

威尼斯人app下载(University of Mount Union)的神经科学学士学位允许学生通过一系列课程和与同伴和教师的实践经验,探索大脑对行为和心理过程的影响. Students will learn about the physiology of the brain, its impact on behaviors and psychiatric disorders, as well as basic chemistry and biology skills needed to understand neuroscience. The major itself focuses as well on clinical and health outcomes of brain science.

Neuroscience Major Quick Facts  

The neuroscience degree at the University of Mount Union requires a total of 44 major-specific credit hours, as well as 32 credits to fulfill the Integrative Core. 综合核心课程是大学的通识教育课程,它为学生提供了探索其研究领域之外的兴趣领域的机会,并为学生提供了一个有回报的职业所需的必要的领导和沟通技巧.

Neuroscience is a major that allows students to explore their work in ways in which they gain hands-on experience outside of the classroom, such as: 

  • Psychophysiological and neuropsychological research in an undergraduate laboratory
  • Canine cognition opportunities for students interested in animal research
  • AA project within the drugs and behavior course
  • Build your own illusion project in the sensation and perception course
  • Hands-on laboratory days in the core neuroscience courses
  • Internship opportunities working with Autism in Spectrum Education Center

  • Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    With a broad-base of knowledge regarding behavior and mental processes, 在威尼斯人app下载主修神经科学将为你在几个不同领域的研究生和专业学校的高级学习做好准备,包括:

    • Core work in neuroscience anatomy and physiology
    • Basic science research in courses such as Sensation and Perception and Cultural Health Psychology
    • Applied science research in courses such as Introduction to Autism and Drugs and Behavior


    Departmental Mission

    The mission of the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, 和人类发展是发展和维持学术课程和课外活动,帮助学生获得该领域的广泛知识基础, acquire the intellectual and communication skills necessary to participate in these fields as scientists and practitioners, and develop characteristics that encourage personal fulfillment, meaningful work and responsible citizenship.

    Department Goals

    Knowledge Base

    • The Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Human Development provides courses, programs, and experiences that foster the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioral problems. Students completing foundation courses should demonstrate breadth of their knowledge and application of psychological ideas to simple problems; students completing a baccalaureate degree should show depth in their knowledge and application of psychological concepts and frameworks to problems of greater complexity.

    Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking

    • The Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Human Development provides courses, programs, 以及使学生在该领域发展科学推理和解决问题能力的经验, including effective research methods. Students completing foundation-level courses should learn basic skills and concepts in interpreting behavior, studying research, and applying research design principles to drawing conclusions about psychological phenomena; students completing a baccalaureate degree should focus on theory use as well as designing and executing research plans.

    Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World

    • The Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Human Development provides courses, programs, 以及使学生在这一领域发展技能的经验,包括在一个涉及日益多样化的环境中发展职业和个人的道德和社会责任行为. 完成基础课程的学生应该熟悉管理心理学职业道德的正式规定,并开始接受有助于在工作环境中取得积极成果的价值观,并建立一个对多元文化和全球关注作出反应的社会. 完成学士学位的学生应该有更多直接的机会来展示对专业价值观的坚持,这将有助于他们优化自己的贡献并有效地工作, even with those who do not share their heritage and traditions. 这个学习目标也促进了个人和专业价值观的采纳,这些价值观可以加强社区关系和贡献.


    • The Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Human Development provides courses, programs, and experiences that foster the acquisition of competence in writing and in oral and interpersonal communication skills. Students completing foundation-level courses should write a cogent scientific argument, present information using a scientific approach, engage in discussion of psychological concepts, explain the ideas of others, and express their own ideas with clarity. Students completing a baccalaureate degree should produce a research study or other psychological project, explain scientific results, and present information to a professional audience. They should also develop flexible interpersonal approaches that optimize information exchange and relationship development.

    Professional Development

    • The Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Human Development provides courses, programs, and experiences that emphasize an application of psychology-specific content and skills, effective self-reflection, project-management skills, teamwork skills, and career preparation. Foundation-level outcomes concentrate on the development of work habits and ethics to succeed in academic settings. The skills in this goal at the baccalaureate level refer to abilities that sharpen student readiness for postbaccalaureate employment, graduate school, or professional school. These skills can be developed and refined both in traditional academic settings and in extracurricular involvement. In addition, career professionals can be enlisted to support occupational planning and pursuit.
  • Experiential Learning

    Experiential Learning

    选择威尼斯人app下载神经科学专业的学生有充足的机会在课堂之外获得“现实世界”的经验. By getting involved in extracurricular opportunities and student organizations, you can strengthen your skills and knowledge in behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, both of which are critical to career success.

    Student Organizations

    Psychology Club is a student-led organization on Mount Union’s campus, and it’s a fun and interesting way for students and faculty to interact outside of the classroom. By getting involved in the Psychology Club, you’ll have the opportunity to hear presentations from professionals in the field, discuss graduate school and jobs as well as attend social activities. The club also sponsors informational trips to local facilities and service agencies. 它对所有学生开放,不分专业,其目的是鼓励和促进心理科学的研究,同时激发对该领域专业方面的兴趣.

    Psi Chi is a national psychology honor society. The activities of Mount Union’s local chapter are varied, although many are designed to stimulate professional growth by creating a fellowship with other psychology professionals across the nation. The chapter provides opportunities to promote individual research involvement and to reward achievement of professional leadership qualities. There are many advantages of membership including:

    • honor and recognition for academic excellence
    • access to colleagues and experienced psychologists
    • opportunities to develop leadership skills
    • opportunities to develop relationships with faculty and other psychology professionals
    • ability to socialize with other psychology students
    • access to educational and career-building programs and events
    • opportunities to serve the campus and the wider community


    Conducting psychological, neuroscience, and human development research provides students with an opportunity to explore a new area of study, contribute new findings to the field and/or expand upon current discoveries. Students pursuing a neuroscience degree or a neuroscience minor have the following research opportunities available at Mount Union:

    • Research-based sophomore and junior courses
    • Undergraduate research laboratory work under the guidance of a faculty member
    • Individual honors projects
    • A collaborative senior research project

    Students in our department have worked in the canine cognition lab, humor lab, and psychophysiological and neuropsychology laboratory. Students have taken part in conference presentations at the annual conferences of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Eastern Psychological Association, International Neuropsychological Society, and Association for Psychological Science. 学生作者与教师导师一起发表的期刊样本包括:《威尼斯人app下载》, Perceptual and Motor Skills, and Laterality.

    Within the senior research course, neuroscience majors who pursue research opportunities will be able to analyze and investigate areas in which they are most interested. Throughout the structured research process, students will critically evaluate neuroscience research by conducting a literature review, developing a research proposal, designing and conducting neuroscience research, analyzing statistical data and communicating findings effectively with the scientific community and the general public. Exemplary research projects and results will be presented at Mount Union’s annual SCHOLAR Day.

  • Careers and Internships

    Careers and Internships


    Neuroscientists study the brain and its functions including memory, perception, action, language and conscious awareness, according to the Psychology Career Center. A relatively new field stemming back to the 1950s when early theories regarding brain functioning began to emerge, innovation in neuroscience was fueled by advancements in molecular biology.

    当分析行为-认知关系的方法被开发出来并与细胞神经生物学研究相结合时,这一学科才真正开始形成. Today, neuroscience connects cognitive-behavioral outcomes with underlying neural systems.

    With a solid foundation in the study of behavior and mental processes, our major in neuroscience will help you develop the practical skills needed to succeed through hands-on projects and research. 核心课程与定制专业要求的能力相结合,以适应您的个人需求,为您未来的成功做好准备.

    Most career positions in neuroscience are research-oriented, and typically require a Ph.D. Our major integrates courses from several disciplines, preparing you for advanced study in graduate and professional schools and/or entry-level positions, all in pursuit of a rewarding future.

    Recent Employers

    Step By Step Academy 

    Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism


    Lincoln Memorial University 

    Nationwide Children's Hospital 

    Recent Grad Schools

    Cleveland State University 

    Wright State University 

    Lehigh University 

    Kent State University 

    University of Toledo 

    Common Careers

    Health/social research

    Clinical psychology



    Fields of medicine 


    神经科学专业的实习是可选的,但确实为学生提供了宝贵的临床经验,有助于提高就业前景和研究生和专业学校的申请. These internships allow neuroscience students go out into the workforce and gain practical experience, which is critical to finding a job after graduation. 这些经验提供了一个机会,以获得在某些领域集中的实践知识,同时允许学生将教科书的信息应用到工作场所.

    While attending the University of Mount Union, neuroscience students may take internships ranging from 4-16 total credits. 选择参加实习的学生将有机会在以下领域与来自不同组织的雇主合作:

    • Group homes
    • Child and adolescent service centers
    • Drug abuse counseling agencies
    • Crisis intervention agencies
    • Counseling services in the schools
    • Probation offices
    • Mental retardation agencies
    • Mental health facilities
    • Other social service organizations

    Some Sample Internship Locations:

    • Alliance City Schools
    • Alliance Community Hospital
    • Alliance Domestic Violence Shelter
    • Alliance Pregnancy Center
    • Copeland Oaks Retirement Community
    • Mount Union’s Office of Alcohol, Drug and Wellness Education
    • Pegasus Farms
    • The Stuckey Family Interfaith Child Development Center
    • Villa Maria Assisted Living

    With the department, neuroscience students in particular have been interested the full semester intern positions with the Spectrum Education Center.

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